
The Resolution Solution: How to achieve your goals in 2022.

Do you want to achieve your goals in the New Year? Looking for ways to increase your success with resolutions? Here are a few things you can do to be successful in 2022.

Do you want to achieve your goals in the New Year? Looking for ways to increase your success with resolutions? Here are a few things you can do to be successful in 2022.

Ah…tis the season of resolutions. A time of new beginnings and the rebirth of health and wellness as the New Year begins. Gyms are crowed as “resolution-ers” begin to pursue their goals for a healthier year. Fitness professionals scramble to attain new clients seeking to “better themselves” because “this is their year.” And then, just as quickly as the grind began, the sparkle of 2022 fizzles out. People begin to fall of their plans of exploring a healthier lifestyle and once again, the squat rack you need is open during your regular training hour.

A study of 200 individuals found that after one month, almost half (45%) of participants had given up on their resolutions. As the year progresses, the study suggested the number only continues to decline. So, by the end of the year, only 19% of individuals consider themselves successful at maintaining their New Year’s Resolutions. A more recent study, completed in 2020, determined that nearly 55% of participants reported success in the new year. Disregarding the level of bias in these studies, due to self-reporting status of participants, there is an apparent challenge for individuals who establish resolutions to succeed.

Though, it is true that nearly half of those who set out to achieve resolution success in the New Year will fail, there are steps that you can take to ensure you aren’t one of them. Yes, life happens and sometimes, we are set off track, but a change in mindset and a willingness to compromise with yourself can go a very long way.

How Do I Succeed in My New Year’s Resolutions?

blank paper with pen and coffee cup on wood table

Write them down.

I know. It sounds simple, but there is literal science behind the act of writing down your goals. Individuals who write out their goals are 42% more likely to achieve them than those who don’t. When you put pen to paper, you are actively encoding that information into the brain, allowing it to be remembered later. Not to mention, written reminders can be placed in different locations: a note on the fridge, on a note pad at your desk, in your planner, on a sticky note on the bathroom mirror, or posted on a bulletin board. The possibilities are endless! The more you see the reminder, the more you can visualize your goal.

Some things to keep in mind when writing your goals: be clear on what you want. Keep your goals SMART.

  • Specific
  • Measurable
  • Actionable
  • Realistic
  • Time
photo of woman looking at the mirror

Make it personal.

Resolutions should not be about becoming a superhero, or “that girl”. They should align with your personal vision of an ideal and healthy life. That might mean shedding some pounds, but it might also include learning a new hobby, or skill. Maybe you want to drink more water or eat more vegetables. No matter what you choose, the goal should be unique to your needs. They should take you one step closer to the life you want to lead. And most importantly, they should be attainable. The more you accomplish, the more motivated you become to continually pursue your goals.

white ceramic mug on green and white table

Make a plan

Take some time to lay out the steps that you need to accomplish your goal. Having a blueprint will help give you direction when you hit an obstacle. It can help you fight resistance that you experience when working toward your goal. Write it in a place that you can easily access it and reference when you need.

four white ceramic mugs on brown wooden table

Change your mindset.

Remember that change is a process. It will take time to adjust to a new routine and there will be resistance. However, in the end, it is worth it. Give yourself some leniency and space for life. There will be unexpected events that pop up. Don’t let the setbacks dictate the rest of the day, week, month or hour. Focus on accepting the challenges, addressing them, and moving past them. As Tom Hanks told us in a League of Their Own, “if it were easy, everybody would do it.” Focus on taking it one day at a time.

ground group growth hands

Get Support.

If you start to struggle, find someone, or a group of someones, who can help. Don’t be afraid to ask for assistance. Seeking help does not make you a failure, or vulnerable. It makes you stronger and increases your likelihood of success. Maybe it’s time to hire that personal trainer, or recruit your friend to join you in the gym. Check out groups on social media and in your local community. Reach out to professionals to help guide you. However you chose to support yourself, make it something positive that helps fire-up your motivation and keeps you driven to succeed.

woman practicing yoga

Renew Your Motivation.

Yes, it’s true. The desire fire burns out from time to time, but that’s no reason to give up! Focus on methods that recharge and refuel your motivation. You may need a day off from your goals, you may even need a few, and that’s ok. Renew your motivation on a weekly basis by practicing visualization of your goals, plan a month out on a calendar, or write in a journal. Most importantly, tune your focus on why you wanted to make a change in the first place. Whenever you find yourself starting to fall off, refocus and pick up where you left off. It’s okay to take a break every once in a while. Remember you are human, the body and mind need time to reflect and relax.

Whether you are working toward maintaining your 2022 goals, or want to establish ones for years to come these guidelines are certain to help you achieve success. Every change is a process. Take small steps and focus on the wins. Every day brings you closer to your goals.

Each morning you wake with a clean slate. Greet the day with gratitude and a positive mindset. Make a plan and Carpe the heck out of Diem! One small change can have a large impact. Let your healing adventure begin!

Do you have health and wellness goals for this year? We offer personalized one-on-one coaching, individualized nutrition plans and wellness coaching to help support you in achieving your goals. Check out our coaching services by clicking here.


Murphy, M. (2018). Neuroscience explains why you need to write down your goals if you actually want to achieve them. Forbes Magazine, April 2018.  [Retrieved Online from:]

Norcross JC, Vangarelli DJ. (1989). The resolution solution: Longitudinal examination of New Year’s change attempts. J Subst Abuse. 1(2):127–134.

Oscarsson, M., Carlbring, P., Andersson, G., & Rozental, A. (2020). A large-scale experiment on New Year’s resolutions: Approach-oriented goals are more successful than avoidance-oriented goals. PloS one, 15(12), e0234097.

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