man wearing red hoodie standing near body of water with view of mountains

Hair Tissue Mineral Analysis

Enhancing wellness through mineral balance.

What is HTMA?

Hair Tissue Mineral Analysis is a safe non-invasive test that measures the mineral levels in the body.

Why Use Hair?

Hair is the ideal tissue for this test because it is easy to obtain, does not require special handling and can provide an average level of minerals within tissues.

Why Minerals?

Minerals are essential for many processes including growth, repair, vitality and well-being. They help strengthen bones and teeth, contract and relax muscles, and initiate many metabolic processes in the body. Minerals are considered the “spark-plugs” of the body.


Supportive Mineral: Provides structure for bones and teeth, contracts muscles, and aids with communication in the body


Relaxation Mineral: Reduces inflammation in the body, relaxes muscles and is critical for energy production.


Balance Mineral: Maintains fluid balance in the body, helps with muscle movement and is essential for nerve signaling.


Transport Mineral: Helps control cellular transport and communication pathways.


Growth Mineral: Supports the immune system and proper growth & development of tissues.


Life Mineral: An essential component of hemoglobin, the oxygen carrying molecule found in blood.

What Causes Mineral Deficiencies?


Both physical and emotional stress can lead to mineral imbalance. Stress can lead to “leaky gut syndrome” which limits the ability of the body to absorb nutrients. During times of stress, B-vitamins, zinc and magnesium, are lost at an increased rate.

Poor Diet

Diets high in refined carbohydrates, processed vegetable oils, food additives, alcohol and sugar can impact the body’s ability to absorb vitamins and minerals and lead to imbalance.


Toxic minerals such as lead, mercury and cadmium can interfere with mineral absorption and usage. These minerals can accumulate in our tissues from exposure to sources like: cigarette smoke, fertilizers, paint, food, car exhaust, and unfiltered water.

Individual Factors

Daily mineral requirements for health fluctuate based on lifestyle stages, but may also vary based on familial predispositions to certain mineral imbalances. Pregnancy, age, sex, and lifestyle stages all play a role in determining optimal levels.

The Process


An HTMA test only requires 0.125 grams of hair, so there’s no need to worry about taking a large sample.

Hair samples should be prepared by cutting small segments of hair 3-5 cm from the root in several areas. Samples should be clean, untreated and natural.


Trace Elements is an independently owned, licensed and certified laboratory that has specialized in HTMA testing since 1984.

Once the lab receives the sample, it is usually processed within two to three weeks.


During your meeting, you will have the opportunity to discuss your results and address any questions or concerns that you have.

Your practitioner will review your results and prepare nutrition and lifestyle protocols that meet your body’s unique needs.

Have a question?

Let’s connect! We’d love to answer any questions you have! Send us a message through our contact page and we’ll respond with 24 hours.

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