
Beat the heat: how to fuel your internal fire without adding heat to the home.

Hello Pitta Season!

Summer has arrived, and with it Pitta season! It’s hot, it’s dry, it’s full of light and can be quite intense. This is Pitta. 

Ayurveda is most aptly called the art of living. In this traditional medicine practice, experiences and health are governed by three doshas, or energies. These doshas work in tandem with one another to create balance between our internal environment and our external environment.

brown building with stonewall and arches

The three doshas include: 

1. Pitta (heat and water)- typically described as the energy of digestion and metabolism. 

2. Vata (ether and air)- defining movement 

3. Kapha (water and earth)- defining lubrication and structure.

More often than not, our internal environment is different from the external, meaning that we must use opposing doshas to help create balance. Part of the beauty in this process lies within its fluidity and ever-changing nature.

Summer’s Unique Personality

brown tree on green grass field

Light. Fire. Heat. Pitta. Summer is full of transitions and warm, dry weather. Due to the dry nature of the weather, this season is also considered to have a touch of vata energy. The focus of summer is balancing pitta by staying cool, focusing on mellowing intensity, relaxation and grounding energy. We focus on staying hydrated, enjoying some quiet time and prioritizing restorative movement. In many ways, summer’s unique personality asks for us to slow down, recover from the cold months that passed and rejoice in the sunlight and gifts that the Earth provides. 

How do we work to form this balance?

We’ve got a few ideas. Check out these recommendations for enjoying the coolest and healthiest summer yet!
a clear glass and a pitcher with slices of orange fruit and blueberries in water

Make Hydration Interesting

Staying hydrated is key to our health. Our bodies need water to help with the transport of nutrients, remain energized and vigilant, allow for adequate cell signaling and deliver oxygen to all the cells in the body. Water helps to balance vata, another dosha that is considered a small part of summer’s unique personality. 

Let’s face it, water is tasteless. Sometimes you just need a little bit of flavor to enhance your day. Try adding in some citrus, like lemon or lime, berries, cucumber or mint.

salad with lettuce and spinach

Incorporate meals that are cool, light and small.

During hot summer months, our bodies crave cool, light and small meals. It’s the perfect time for sweet, bitter and astringent flavors. Summer is the ideal time for fresh fruits and salads, and to occasionally indulge in sweet dairy products like yogurt, ice cream and cottage cheese. Below you will find a list of foods that are perfect for summer.


More ways to beat the heat!

flat lay photography of three tray of foods

Cook once, eat twice! 

Make enough food for leftovers. This limits the amount of time you have to spend cooking over the stove. More free time for you to do the things you want and enjoy and less time in the hot kitchen. 

Use your crockpot

Has your crockpot been sitting in the corner, or pantry collecting dust? It’s time to take it off the shelf and put it to work. Crockpots are amazing for minimizing active time in the kitchen, and the need to turn the oven on. Not to mention you can easily cook a large amount of food that the whole family can enjoy!

Whether you plan to spend your summer poolside, hiking in the mountains, on a beach or at home with backyard BBQs, summer is a time for soaking up the sun, enjoying cool treats and focusing on grounding ourselves.

I encourage you to take advantage of the last few weeks of summer, enjoy some relaxation, take a book to the pool, enjoy a sunrise yoga class, or choose your favorite fruit as a snack. Whatever you choose, let it serve you and help you restore balance.